Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mixed up dinner... Bruneel/Warner style....

December 15
We had our annual mixed up dinner with the Bruneel family!  This year we did a mexican theme since we served mexican food.  Lisa got mustaches for those serving the food.  It was great.  I have to admit I  am glad I get to serve the food and then eat it the way it was intended to be served after we are done serving the kids!  Everyone loved it and enjoyed the pass around gift exchange, you can never go wrong with candy! :)

Church Christmas Party

December 14th we attended our church Christmas Party.  It was in the morning with a breakfast and activities for the kids.  Of course Elizabeth was super excited to see santa and whisper in his ear what she wanted for Christmas.
 Elizabeth and Santa
 Anna and Santa

 Teenagers... what can I say!
The girls had fun painting ornaments and couldn't wait to get home and put them on the tree!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Decorating the Christmas Tree

We had a fun evening decorating the christmas tree.  We got a taller tree that would fit better in our living room.  Elizabeth loves our talking, recordable ornaments and loves listening to hers from when she was a baby and toddler.

Luke's favorite ornament, given to him by Grandpa Roger and Grandma GG a few years ago!

Luke was supposed to put the star on this year but we didn't have a ladder tall enough for him to put the star on.  Aaron barely got it on.  Next year we will have Luke put it on the tree before we put the top of the tree on.