Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Elizabeth

Our baby girl is 1! It's hard to believe that she could be 1 year already! She is such a sweet, loveable, and cuddly baby and we all love giving her kisses. Just recently she has started giving kisses herself, sometimes it is more of a lick than a kiss but that's ok. Elizabeth is taking more steps and is getting more brave about standing up in the middle of the room by herself. She still doesn't have teeth but she has kept her brown hair, yea! She now wrinkles her nose when she smiles. She has become more curious and her favorite thing to do is empty the cupboards in the kitchen, especially the one with the cups, bowls, and plates. She also loves to sneak off and climb the stairs when you turn your back and it's amazing how fast she is. We have tried to teach her how to come down the stairs and she seems to be catching on but still makes us nervous. She sure had fun digging into her cake and we all enjoyed watching her make a mess. We all love her dearly! By the way Aubry helped decorate the cake!

Elizabeth turns 1!

Thursday, March 12, 2009